Digital Camera.
The first use of technology was the camera we used, a Fujifilm Finepix S1600. Today you can buy digital cameras like this that can record videos with high quality playback. The particular camera we used has High Definition (HD) video recording, which has a high quality image.
Compared to a conventional Digital Video (DV) camera a HD record camera allows for sharper exposure and higher quality images, compared to more grainy footage from a DV camera.
The compact design meant that transportation was easier and all the functions are easy to use and work. Another advantage to the size was the shots that we have used to portray our main character (Luke) allowing us to work closely in tighter areas that larger video cameras may not be as accessible.
Adobe Premiere.
When all our shots were collected it was then time to edit the footage using Adobe Premiere. This software is highly intuitive and simple to use after some level of practice. For the correct continuity and the smoothness of transitions, Premiere allows us to cut shots and add any effects that will improve the quality of viewing.
The programme being easy to use means that the quality of footage has been greatly improved. When audience feedback was gathered we could make any changes easily if the editing was not smooth or any changes to the music may have been needed. For example a main chunk of our film is a voiceover by Luke, telling the audience his story. From the audience feedback a number of people analysing the footage told us that the voiceover was "crackling" and "you could hear background noises" that were "distracting". Once this was rectified we could simply remove the previous soundtrack and replace with the new updated version.
Exclusive to the MAC computers in our editing suite is a programme called GarageBand, that allows you to produce and compose music. For a more connected product we decided to produce our own movie tracks rather than using copyright free music. GarageBand uses realistic instruments, that can be used to produce tracks perfectly suited to our genre and creating the correct emphasis to our target audience.
Garageband has been a great software tool in the production of our film. It has been efficient and relatively easy to use. Once browsing the different tools in the software I have been able to create a track to match the genre of our production. We decided to create our own music track as we could not find one to compliment the style of film that we was creating and also we wanted to avoid copyright sound.
Garageband has a range of instruments and beats offered to the consumer that can be weaved together to create the perfect track. On the other hand we could use itunes to add sound effects that we needed in the background to add to the emphasis that we wanted to create.
Adobe Photoshop CS3.
For our ancillary task we were asked to create a poster for our final product, showing what the product is about to our target audience. Photoshop is the perfecting software to use to create a poster for our production, the tools are easy to use.
Using new media technology for our poster allows use to make any changes once receiving audience feedback. Around 20 to 30 years ago posters would have been created by hand, so if a problem occurred it would most probably would have had to be scrapped and started again.

Magazine Review Page.
The second ancillary task we had to complete was a magazine film review demonstrating our film in the public domain. For this particular piece I used Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 which is a proven software tool for amateurs and professionals to create items from posters, to flyers, to business cards.
Social Networking - YouTube/Facebook.
In 2005 a phenomena occurred in the form of online video streaming known as YouTube. Visited by millions of users from across the world daily this is the perfect place to launch our final product for feedback and a form of distribution into the public eye.
Another form of social networking that can be used to preview our footage is Facebook. Introduced in 2004 there is an estimate of over 600 million users in 2011. There is the ability to add the poster, magazine and even link the footage onto Facebook where your friends have the ability to comment and for the product to become commercially known not just in the local area but worldwide.
Social Networking - Twitter.
A relatively new form of social networking (new media technology) is Twitter founded in 2006 and has an estimate of 200 million users including celebrities and companies.
While tweeting recently I received additional followers that are similar to me to other people/businesses that I followed. As this is relatively new technology all the big companies are joining in order to leave latest updates of new products that they have introduced. For example Fox Searchlight (a division of Fox Filmed Entertainment) specialise in independent films most recognised as Slumdog Millionnaire and The Full Monty.
Currently Fox Searchlight have just under 150,000 followers that allows them to gather regular updates from the production company that means the audience is up to date with new enhancements from the products.
For the creation of our coursework we have used another form of new media technology in order to note the progression of our product through to the end. The software is simple, easy to read and well informed to give amateur (like myself) to use new tools to enhance the view ability of my blog.
Blogger is an effective tool for promoting new products such as "Rejected". Blogger is used throughout the world daily, it allows for the product to become known across the world in small numbers. Blogger is also effective as comments can be left from the different posts that I have added. For example last year our coursework was produced on Blogger and teacher would leave us comments on what we could do to enhance the quality of work from individual posts.
Looking for the future! (New Media Technology).
Currently permitted in the United States, Warner Brothers has released 'video on demand' using social networking site This new enhancement allows Warner Brothers to upload and allow access to large Hollywood films can now be viewed online with the 600 million users on Facebook to date. One of the first films that Warner Brothers will be using is the 'The Dark Knight' that has grossed over One Billion US dollars and been shown within 6735 screens across the world.
Soon to be introduced is 'video on demand' to Iphone users allowing customers to access films during daily commutes to work or while on holiday meaning they are up to date with huge blockbusters. Once our film becomes known to the public we could use this form of technology as a way of having accessible films where ever the consumer may be. For example with access to films away from the television and cinema films can be watched during commutes to work and school (on the train). It would also be a great resource during holidays while relaxing.
What have I learnt?
I personally was fully aware of new media technology in society and have access and use these forms of new media technology in daily life. I have however learnt the different conventions and how these forms are used by different people and companies and how they are actually used as a promotional tool to advertise productions. It was a huge learning curve for me as I did not realise how production companies and other businesses of all types use social networking as a key advertisement for their latest releases, I somewhat took for granted how popular these sites were as I use them regularly and has become second nature use for keeping in contact with family and friends.
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